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Company Profile

Faithful Renditions is a trading name of
Bromsgrove Pty Ltd
ABN 71 009 889 499

The name "Bromsgrove" came from the English town of that name (about 40km west of Birmingham). It started life as the name of a Western Australian company in 1982. The company has been operating ever since to provide photographic and audio services to a select group of clients.

Steven Secker, one of the company's directors, spent a number of years recording live performances of fine music for broadcast on 6UVS-FM (the first FM radio station in Western Australia), and several of those years presenting such programmes. Recording of conferences and seminars, which formed a small part of the operation initially became the main focus in 1990 after Steven moved to Melbourne to study for a Bachelor of Divinity degree. Since then the company has recorded conferences in northern New South Wales, Sydney, Adelaide, country Victoria, Melbourne, Perth and Bunbury. The scope has ranged from an international event with nearly 1500 delegates to a training event with 20.

Faithful Renditions was chosen as a trading name to represent not only the religious nature of most, though definitely not all, of the conferences we cover but also the accuracy and clarity of recordings. Though we edit all our recordings before releasing them we are careful to remove only what is an impediment for the people listening after the event.

The company also operates its bus service under the trading name Frends Charters picking up on the contraction of Faithful RENDitionS.